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Opportunity database for PhD students:

The PhD Programme in "Complex Systems for Life Sciences" offers to enrolled PhD Students and Alumni the possibility to navigate through a database offering:

  • Grant opportunities for visiting fellowships and short-term travels (ex. abroad seminars);
  • Job opportunities both in the academic field (i.e. postdoc, tenure-track positions) and in the industrial world (i.e. R&D in biotech and pharmaceutical companies).

From the Rector's Decree n. 3411 of 08/30/2018 (original version in italian) 

Art. 28 - Scholarships: "11. The scholarship may not be combined with other scholarships for any reason whatsoever, except for those awarded by national or foreign institutions to supplement the research training activities of scholarship holders with stays abroad."

Fort further information about compatibility between PhD and external scholarships, please refer to:

  • Research Directorate and Third Mission - PhD Section (;

  • The scholarship awarding institution. 

Database: here

This database contains both academical (postdoc, tenure-track positions, etc...) and industrial job offers related to the PhD programme research themes. 

Database: here

Last update: 16/06/2023 13:40
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